Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Labor of Love

I have heard that writing a is a labor of love, but I have never really had the drive to write anything, so I never really understood it, but over the last week or so I have realized that it is true. For the last week I have been occupying my snow days by writing a fan fiction, and right now I am mentally exhausted. Fan fiction, for those of you that don't know, is when someone takes the characters from a published work, and write how they think the characters would act in unique situations. I know it sound like copyrighting, but they don't make any profit off of it, and they write a disclaimer saying that they do not own the movie/show/play/cartoon/book/manga that there story is about so it is alright.

I really like fanfiction and my friend Inayah thinks that I could write a really good one, so I decided to go ahead and write one. I dedicated that I would write the first chapter this week and that it would have 1,000 words at least. I finally finished a couple hours ago. It's not good as I would like, and I think I should have written more on the ending put I am worn out.

I was planning on posting it on here as well as fanfiction.net, but for some reason my computer won't let me copy and paste, and I don't want to re type the whole thing. It is probably just as well because if you have never seen Ouran High school Host Club, you won't enjoy it as much as you would if you have seen the show. I keep the story on a flash drive though so if your really interested you can ask next time you see me if you can read it.

well it's late and as I have already said I am tired, but I can't wait until Inayah sees my story. I bet see will be very excited.


  1. YEA! I am so proud of you for getting to this point. I know you have worked really hard on it. Leave it for a few days and then go back and edit. I have heard that it makes it a little easier to handle once you have given yourself space for a while. I am just so pleased that you have done it! YEA FOR YOU!!!!

  2. HA, it's funny that this should happen today. But my scripture partner can't get onto our blog from where she is so she asked me to cut and past her post. Well, as you know that is extremely hard. But I found a way. You have to paste it into the HTML, it works.
    Good luck.

  3. I can't wait to read your fanfiction.

    I was listening to NPR this weekend with your mother (while waiting for our turn in the car wash). They were interviewing a writer. He said alot of people say they have many ideas for books but never write them because they don't like or can't put up with with the eight hours a day it takes of being alone writting. You spent many hours this week in your room. I didn't know you were writting but you were able to do it. I think you have what it takes to be a writer. I hope you keep writting.
