Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Music Makes You Happy Fast

I don't listen to a lot of music. I don't have that much expose to it, but music has some really great points. Mainly its ability to make people happy. In the movie "Music and Lyrics" the leading man says something to the effect of, nothing will make you happier faster then an upbeat song. That is so right.

Today at the end of the day I was feeling pretty glum. I was just down and I didn't really know why, and I didn't care. Finally school got out and I met Jane up in the hall to walk out of school with. She had brought her Ipod today and when she walked up to me she offered me an ear phone. The song was one she had found on the Internet a while back and it was an upbeat song we had danced to a lot. The instant the ear bud was in my ear I felt SO much better. Not only was I no longer in the pits, all of a sudden I got the strong desire to start dancing.

Its true what they say. Music is good for the soul.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

So Poetic

So I have this English project were I have to find seven poems, analyze four of them, write seven poems of my own, and make this look pretty. Its due Monday. I've been working on it for the last couple of weeks so I have allot of it done, but one of the seven poems has to have a metaphor in it, and I can't find a metaphor that I like. May be I'm just being picky but I'm trying to distinguish between the metaphor poem and the symbolism poem and there are so many poems to read.

I guess I'm just complaining but I'm also very bored with poems at this point. I will get though this and I will be fine.