Sunday, May 31, 2009

Good Friends

There are some people you just love.

You can talk freely with them and you feel comfortable telling them things because they will listen and they will not judge you.

There is something about them that just makes you happy to listen because of the wonderful stories they tell.

There are some people who even though you have only known them for about a month, you already consider them one of your best friends.

You find yourself trying to find things that they would be interested in so you can share the excitement of discovery.

You know that they are loyal and they would never hurt you.

You know they trust you completely.

There are some people in this world who make you smile just by them being by your side.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Five Stars

So do to the fact that I forgot my G-Mail password I haven't been able to blog or read blogs for awhile now. A lot has happened and I'm glad I can get on my blog again.

Yesterday was my BFF's sweet sixteen. Her party is going to be next Friday so she didn't make a big deal about it yesterday, but she did invite me over for cake and a movie. When we got there we mostly just lazed around until dinner like we always do. Then we saw what her dog had done to her cake. He had gone up to the cake and licked the frosting off of one side. It was only a small part of the cake so we just cut it off, but it was still funny.

Now it was time for the movie. we went to see Up in 3-D, and let me tell you it was wonderful. I it makes you laugh it makes you cry, and over all it is beautifully animated.

Up is about an old man who blows up so many balloons that his house starts to floats and he flies it to South America. However unbeknownst to him a wilderness explore, aka boy scout, was under his porch looking for a bird.

The movie starts out when the old man was young. He is watching a movie about his favorite explorer. then he goes and meets a girl who also loves that explorer. They promise to go to Paradise Falls South America together. Then it shows there life together. They get married and grow old together all the while saving to go to Paradise Falls. The man finally buys the tickets but his wife gets sick and dies.

That is all that I am going to tell you about what happens in the movie, because I think you should go see it your self. What I Told you may seem sad but that was just the opening scene. The movie ends on a high note, and remember I told you the movie will make you laugh and make you cry.

You need to see this movie. I give it five stars.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I have never been much for exercise. I feel uncomfortable excrecicing in front of others and I have always enjoyed a good book more then a jog around the block. In the past all the exercises that I would get was what I would get in PE class. OK. That is a large exaggeration, but the principle is the same.

However, that is going to change.

Yesterday I went to Young woman's and Maggie's mom was teaching the class. The class was about the benefits of exercises. I was inspired. I have resolved to try and exercises every day for 15 minuets a day for at lest a month. I think I can do it. In fact I have already finessed my first day. I walked/jogged for 15 minuets and went .8 of a mile. If I keep this up I'll be in shape for trek in no time.